When can I workout after getting a tattoo?


For those who live an active lifestyle and exercise daily, you’ve probably experienced the frustration after missing a few days at the gym. After getting tattooed, a common question we get asked is “when can I go back to working out?” Whether it’s going for a morning run or lifting weights, it’s important to know how to care for your tattoo and when it’s safe to return back to your normal routine.

1. Avoid strenuous activities until the bandage is removed

Depending on the size and placement of your tattoo it can take 2-3 weeks to fully heal. During this time, it’s encouraged to avoid physical activities that may aggravate the tattoo altogether. Of course, that’s a lot easier said than done. If you still feel obligated to exercise, wait at least 4-5 days until your bandage is removed. This will prevent sweat and potential bacteria build up underneath the bandage and reduce the risk of infection.

2. Plan your workouts

Plan your workouts accordingly for the first 7-10 days and prioritize other muscle groups that don’t directly affect your tattoo. For example, focusing on legs with squats and leg curls is a great alternative over a chest and tricep workout after getting a tattoo on your arm. Remember, 4-5 days is the minimum wait time but that doesn’t mean your tattoo is healed by any means. In fact, your tattoo will start to dry and scab leaving it vulnerable to cracks and tears caused by strenuous movement so keep your workouts light.

3. Keep your tattoo covered

Keep your tattoo covered. Make sure your attire is clean and covers your tattoo completely. Do not re-bandage and avoid direct contact with bacteria covered surfaces such as benches, yoga mats and other equipment.

4. Limit sweat

Pat dry of all sweat every 5-10 minutes with a clean, lint free towel.

5. Keep your tattoo clean

Make sure your tattoo is kept clean. Showering post workout is highly advised. Be sure to use unscented soap when cleaning your tattoo.

Remember, avoid strenuous activities to the best of your ability. Treat your tattoo like an open wound and be sure to follow your artist’s aftercare instructions. Free touch-ups are not guaranteed if aftercare instructions are not met. Keep in mind, these are general tips. Adjustments may be required pending tattoo size and placement. Be mindful, keep it clean and don’t make the healing process harder than it has to be.

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